Théâtre Garonne 12/07/19.
Leica M6 / Gelatin silver print.
"If you ever hear that sound now
If the door gets kicked in here, they come now
Think of others, be their covers
I'm what they're not."
CY TWOMBLY at Pompidou
For those who have the opportunity to spend time in Paris, the Pompidou Center presents a splendid retrospective of Cy Twombly.
(The only discordant factor is the presentation of his sculptures.Too piled, they pass in the background of his work and the exceptional view on the roofs of Paris.). Well...
Whatever the art of Cy Twombly is breathtaking.
Jack Jones - "Le bikini" 18th of november 2016.
Jack Jones from the band Trampolene also plays the guitar on stage with Pete Doherty.
In the opening of Pete Doherty's concert, he intercalated his songs by some poems.
It was rare, unexpected, and funny. (He has something to do with that business)
KEVIN MORBY - If you leave and if you marry
Kevin Morby is silent when he does not sing.
Live at Le Connexion in Toulouse, 9th of June 2015.
On bass and guitar : Meg Duffy
On Drum : Justin Sullivan.
All my gratitude and thanks to Amber for making me discover this singer.
Last Friday the 21st of October 2016 at 1 o'clock pm, absolutly by chance, I've met the American screenwriter, director, actor and musician, Abel Ferrara, walking in a street of
My camera (analogic and organic) was so close to me that we have decided, together, to take few portraits.
The first picture : Ferrara is shooting your humble servant
The second picture : Ferrara is looking at the portrait he took of your humble servant.
The third picture : As you can see, he's bending his head.
The fourth picture : He simply ask me to play the role of a director in mimic him what I wanted.
This man has the talent to get people in his pocket !
Thank you very much Sir
Where is Charly ?
From left to right :
Charles Ash (Voice, guitar), Louisa (keyboard, drum), Me (bass) and Guillaume (guitar).
Sunday 2nd of October 2016 - Courtyard of the Institut of Arts of Toulouse - During the well-named "Printemps de septembre".
The first concert of Charles Ash, the opportunity to lend a hand to him. (Here is a sunday that I really like !).
Ok computer ! Thank you Sir Charles !
(Photography © Léa Darroussat)
---------------Comme on respire
Most of the video animation has been filmed in stop motion.
(It takes time to manipulate images but it's a very funny experience and it has something to do with photography.)
-----------Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me
This is not exactly a cover, "The Smiths are The Smiths " so...
The original song is from the fourth and final studio album : "Strangeways here we come", released on september 1987. (" This story is old, I know, but it goes on")
If only this interpretation make someone listen the version of The Smiths, I would be enchanted.
Thank you very very much to Charles Ash (portrait below) for adding his lace guitar. (We spent together a very good time).
Many thanks also to Alain Delage.
A certains moments, nous sommes entourés d'objets qui prennent brusquement un visage, qui se mettent à bouger, avec une expression, une signification et une dimension jusqu'alors ignorées.
La douleur nous enferme dans une cage étroite, étouffante, sans porte ni fenêtre, sans aucune issue, où l'air se raréfie. Les êtres passent à côté de nous, muets et aveugles; mais tout à coup un toit, une voiture, un lambeau de ciel enfoncent toutes grandes les murailles de notre douleur, les battants d'un invisible portail s'écartent, nous sommes sauvés et nous respirons. "
(Milena Jesenskà - Vivre )
------------------------------------------------ La vie qui avance
Moods of a blackbird who plays the drums
-----------------------------------------------------Sommeil paradoxal
Cello, guitars, bass, drums, synthesizers, lyrics, video, voice Hum Hum...
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