I recommend you Basic Black, a nice Blog devoted to Photography.

6 commentaires:

Mama Matunda a dit…

Wonderful photo, thanks.
Best regards from Germany, Dani.

Elisabethbaysset a dit…

Il y a une telle légèreté ici que je pourrait m'envoler avec eux ...EB.

alexandria a dit…

Photos of birds in trees are the best.

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

Thank you very much Dani and please welcome here !

Merci Elisabeth, je suis très touché et je vous prête une de mes plumes (mais ne vous envolez pas trop loin !).

Alexandria, a bird in the camera is better than 20 in the oven !! :-))

e a dit…

I just saw this now. Thank you so much for this post. I am honoured by your kindness. And as always, a bounty of beautiful images. :) Lizzy

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

Dear Lizzy
You are welcome !