"As far as the eye can see"

13 commentaires:

* a dit…

These black and whites are a series of thoughtful, intriguing, contemplative. Thank you for them.

иво рафаилов a dit…

A fine photo.
Actually I like a lot your work - and photographs and drawings and designs... Glad I found them.

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…


Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

Dear Ivo

So it is mutual.
Welcome here !
When I look at your photography, I don't need a translation.
Thank you

Olga a dit…

A classic guide to creative nature photography.
Or another version. For anyone who understands the basic technical side to photography but wants to wake up their creative vision :)

Groslier a dit…

Si simple et si beau,

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

And another version
a conversation with ... ?!
(writing without words)

Thank you Olga

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

Merci Thomas.
J'ai toujours autant de plaisir à venir visiter ce que vous peignez, j'aime l'atmosphère et le cadre...
A bientôt

Unknown a dit…

je n'ai jamais pris le temps de dire merci d'apparaître parmi les "followers" de mon blog. Très belles photos sur votre blog, que d'inspiration !

Unknown a dit…

D'ailleurs j'ai bien l'impression qu'on a dû se croiser dans un concert ou deux à Toulouse ou ailleurs.

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

Merci Carole et bienvenue.
Pour ce qui est des concerts, qui sait ? C'est bien possible.

Pet a dit…

Your pictures, all of them, show your style, neat, clean, crisp, poetic, subtle, inspiring. This one is a very good example, nothing and everything on it, like smoke in the air. I follow your pictures closely, it is a pleasure. Thanks for sharing them. Now and then it has to be said again.

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

Dear Pet

How is sweet to read this comment !
As I told to Laurent (a Gentleman) once with an inspiration of a Kertesz sentence,
my English is bad, my Spanish too, my French ?
Photography is my only language.
So I just try to work in the perspective of beauty, try to reach something.
Some kind of daily fight against... anyway
(That's the strenght of my weakness)
Sometimes things insignificants in life attract me.
I really thank you for what you've said.

Best regards