Dear Friends

Allow me to leave you a few days, this blog would not live without some moments breaks.
I shall read and answer to you from my return...
Don't forget me... 
Have nice dreams.
I deeply thank you as deep as this night.


7 commentaires:

This is Belgium a dit…

wishing you a very happy break, looking forward to more exquisite pictures,

* a dit…

Rest, put your feet up, enjoy your break (they are necessary, aren't they?)!

kristina - no penny for them a dit…

have a good and restful break!

Elisabethbaysset a dit…

A quel point je suis émue toujours de passer chez vous et de constater cette simplicité , là , c'est encore autre chose et je rêve ...EB

Evelyne a dit…

A très bientôt.

versus a dit…

Avec mon très cordial salut !

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

Thank you very much, you are, all, very kind !
It wasn't exactly holidays (under the coconuts) ...
But breaks are necessary, I suppose, yes.

Now it's my turn to visit you !