
4 commentaires:

Catherine Ternaux a dit…

cette photo coupe le souffle, avec douceur...

sredonlevigne a dit…

cette recherche / série est de plus en plus passionnante !
bonne continuation

( mon mac me joue des tours ce matin, impossible de voir vos images en grand sans qu'elles e soient déformées )

Laurent a dit…

One of your loveliest visions from a stunning series of explorations, this one strikes me as one of their most film-conscious. I am grateful for the ways in which it invites the mind to play with its elements as they do with each other; of course one could not be alone in this. I think people will cite this in their tour d'horison of your oeuvre, in the way the do the table-ful of glasses in the outdoor garden, a more representational but still wonderfully pure essay in illumination.

Anonyme a dit…

wow. everyone else, put your cameras down.