Quelle que soit l'Ascension...
"Dehors devant soi" par Lionel André atteint des sonnets, (aux éditions Laurence Mauguin).

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3 commentaires:

Laurent a dit…

Lionel André's blog immediately became for me one of the premier destinations I discovered in your own reading list, some time ago; and for this reason I have naturally always been thankful to you, too, when I have turned to his work. I am very happy to see your announcement of this publication and I am moved by the elegance of this presentation - which is sensitive to the character of his work, in the last frame, as well as being another image to treasure in your own style, framing "silence" with shadow of stones drawn from montagne et fleuve.

I appreciate this gift of yours for collaborative and uncorrupting appreciation of other artists in the presentations I discover here. Having benefited from it, myself (albeit, as a non-artist), I especially admire how this gift also exercises critical and creative possibilities in the "active bibliography" of a blog list, or what I call, "Context." There is not a whiff of condescension in the way you share these enthusiasms, and mercifully none of the sense of favours being exchanged. This entry is, rather, a pretty sight of respect being extended, matching how well it is deserved with how elegantly it is given. I take it instantly as an interpretation Lionel André would have been glad to have created, himself.

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

What can I say ?
When the snow melts where goes the white ?
Thank you so much to you and him !!

This is Belgium a dit…

what a little pearl, glad to discover the blog and the book