A white page as a guestbook

Gradually the white page is covered with words.


« Clean like a desert.
I just happen to watch, yet again, Lawrence of Arabia. »

« [this space left intentionally blank] »
« Tabula rasa »
(Terresa W)

« Il faut oser cette sobriété, cela vous ressemble. »
(Elisabeth Baysset)

« Beyond any doubt this is being, not merely "becoming," one of your most eloquent initiations of a theme, and I take the precaution of commenting early in a launch I have seen already extended, to avoid any disturbance of an elaboration which I think is cautioning readers to the most respectful silence.
The constructions, to no one's surprise, are so elegant as to furnish the sweetest relaxation of the pressure the images project; and truly these devices, suggestively in conversation or other co-ordination, would satisfy anyone to present so well to the advantage of their articulateness.
At the same time, as in this complex example (where we would not know, the plinths or feet, appear to shift, from an initial single footing), a figurative inference is strongly tempting.
But on first impression the rejection of interpretation takes precedence, as in suspense by definition, I think, over shibui effects which would be only natural to recall.
Otherwise there would be less exuberance in coming upon these images, and none of the gratefulness, verging on passion, that they release.
It's a pity there isn't more pride visible in this frame; it would make it easier to leave it.
I love it. »

« Très minimaliste… »
(Thomas Groslier)

« Adore »

« Beau travail sur/avec la lumière. »

« Une page blanche, avec Michel Foucault folie et déraison,
une région de neutralité où la vie réelle de la cité est suspendue : l'ordre n'y affronte plus librement le désordre, la raison ne tente plus de se frayer d'elle même son chemin parmi tout ce qui peut l'esquiver, ou tente de la refuser...
ou avec Jacques Roubaud, tu m'échappes, quelque chose de noir...
un morceau de papier blanc tient sa clarté d'un ciel où le blanc s'est lavé de gris, ayant dans le sel glissé. Ce ciel plus lumineux que le papier...
Merci Valéry c'est une superbe série, installation, photographie, poésie,pensée, c'est très très beau
amitié »
(Lionel André)

« Un portrait mais de quelqu'un qui ne veut rien dire. »
« La porte étroite, c'était un roman de Gide ?
Bon dimanche, Valery. »


3 commentaires:

Pet a dit…

This is nice of you.

* a dit…

Tabula rasa.

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

Cher Pet
I return to you these sweet words.
Whether you're curious about what I do, amazes me.
I appreciate your presence here, really.

Chere Terresa
I must admit that I needed to represent something approaching a sort of blank ( un "je ne sais quoi et un presque rien").
But images are again and again immersed in the ocean images.
Mine are not useful. This is the main reason why I continue.