
8 commentaires:

Carter a dit…

elegant and unforced, vigorous and haunting, a recollected link between Naxos and Paros and a gorgeous interpenetration of lights; an impressively gorgeous image, for looking at in long and grateful measures.

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

You find interest in these so little things. It touches me a lot.
thank you very much, sir !

Thérèse a dit…

The eye catches the light.

Laurent a dit…

I had to borrow this wonderfully strong 'little thing' as the climax of a posting of my own on the 23ième. You do many beautiful things but for me this is one of the greats of your gift for bliss in light and I love it.

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

A rough draft of paper and light...

LOU a dit…

Comme un homme recroquevillé, désarticulé, douloureux...


j'aime ces photos rien

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

Simple projection...

Presque rien... ou je ne sais quoi...