Phix Mix

What is creation ?

As for Théâtre according to Cocteau " a lie which always says the truth" ?


An Enigma ?

In case of both Click HERE.

Have a nice Week-end !

6 commentaires:

* a dit…

So, you are not only a photographer, but an artist in other senses as well. :) Intriguing, well done!

alexandria a dit…

Very intriguing. I like the up close look.

mosaicology a dit…

Both statements are so so true!!!

Pet a dit…

Thank you for becoming a gfriend of my blog. I didn't know your blog before but I have been looking through your pictures and writings and they are really inspiring, so I have just joined your numerous lot of gfriends too. Merci.
PS. I do not usually write in French - I am awful - but I love reading and speaking in French.

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

Dear Terresa
My job consists in drawing glasses for a french company 8 hours /day :

So my eyes, my hands and all the rest needs to be occupied because I don't sleep a lot.
This is a special need.
Many questions which bring many of the other questions.
There are some words that I can't pronounce, you know that.
But it would be easier to avoid schizofrenia to present myself as an ... (even it's a bit pretentious).
Intriguing is a word that I love a lot.
Enough to be happy and to thank you !

Dear Alexandria
Intriguing again ?!!
I'm certainly happy again !

Dear Mag
I welcome you !
True ?
Really ?!
Thank you very much !

Cher Pet
Je t'en prie !
Tout le plaisir est pour moi de lire tes chroniques !
Merci beaucoup et bienvenue ici !!

Evelyne a dit…

Beaucoup de travail, c'est ce qui était passionnant chez Moore et R.Gary, les expositions montraient très bien ce dur labeur qu'est la création.